33 S Catalina Ave, Suite 202Pasadena, CA 91106

Glendale Child Custody Lawyer

Determining custody can be one of the most emotionally charged aspects of family law cases. To avoid confusion, drawn-out proceedings, or contentious arguments, be sure to speak with a skilled Glendale child custody lawyer. A seasoned attorney at Khalaf Law Group can represent you in all legal meetings and proceedings, ensuring your rights are protected and your goals are advocated for.

Pasadena Child Custody Modification Lawyer

Understanding the Basics of Child Custody in CA

When a child’s parents decide to separate, custody for the child must be determined. Custody is the right and responsibility of each parent to provide for their child. Parents can either agree on a custody and visitation plan on their own or obtain one with the help of a family court. Until an official custody court order is made, each parent has the same rights and power to make decisions regarding their child.

Child custody and parenting plans involve parenting time and visitation. A parenting plan should prioritize the needs of the child—not the parents—and include terms of how each parent will care for their child, where the child primarily resides, and when the child will see each parent. Custody includes physical and legal custody and can be shared between parents or appointed to only one parent, known as sole custody.

Physical custody determines which parent the child will live with most of the time, and legal custody is the parental right to make important decisions about their child’s life. These decisions include the child’s education, extracurricular activities like sports or summer camp, religious affiliations, medical and dental care, travel plans, counseling or therapy, and other matters concerning the child’s general welfare.

Types of Parenting Time Orders in California

There are four main types of parenting time, or visitation, orders in Glendale, California. These parenting plans include open-ended, scheduled, supervised, and no visitation. An open custody order, or reasonable parenting plan, is ideal for parents who can work out the specifics of visitation time between themselves.

Parents who have an open-ended custody arrangement are flexible, willing to work together, and can communicate well. However, this parenting plan may cause issues if the parents disagree on how to allocate custody or frequently argue. A solution to this is often opting for a scheduled parenting plan. With a set schedule, parents follow the predetermined dates and times that their child is in their care. This includes holidays, vacations, and other important family events.

A supervised parenting plan is usually for when there are concerns about the child’s well-being or safety. Supervised visitation may also be used in instances where a child and parent require a set time to become familiar and bond with one another, such as when a parent has not seen their child for an extended period of time. These visits may be supervised by the custodial parent, another adult, or someone from a professional agency.

The last custody arrangement is when the child has no visitation with the non-custodial parent at all. This court order is typically reserved for instances where even supervised visits with the parent have the potential to put the child at risk of physical or emotional harm.

The Family Court Mediation Process in CA

Parents may come to a custody agreement on their own, either amongst themselves or with the help of a mediator. The goal of mediation is to reach a custody arrangement while ensuring the child maintains a healthy relationship with each parent. The mediation process occurs privately outside of court, allowing the parents to communicate and work together to find a feasible arrangement that meets their child’s needs.

The mediator is typically a family law professional who may or may not be focused on mediation. Mediators are often deeply familiar with family dynamics, child development, and the impact that divorce or separation can have on children. The mediator’s job is to be a neutral, impartial party that facilitates the proceedings and ensures they are fair. Mediators can also offer helpful insight and support, provide different solution options, and create your parenting plan calendar.


Q: How Can I Get a Parenting Time Order in California?

A: If you want a parenting plan court order, you must file the appropriate paperwork with the family court in the county you live in. If you have an active family law case, determining child custody can be included in the proceedings. The forms may vary depending on whether you already have a family law case and if you and your co-parent are married.

Q: What Does a Child Custody Lawyer Do in California?

A: There are numerous duties that a child custody lawyer provides for their client, including providing advisory counsel and committed representation within legal proceedings. Custody lawyers are there to understand your situation, listen to your wants and needs, and help you find a favorable outcome. Your family law attorney can also help you properly fill out paperwork, remember deadlines, and negotiate on your behalf.

Q: Can I Change a Previous Custody Order in California?

A: Yes, either parent can request to change an established child custody order in California. Generally, custody agreements can only be modified when there is sufficient reason to do so, such as a change in one or both parent’s financial circumstances. Either party can file a request with the family court. If the parents are in agreement on how to change custody, they may instead submit the new parenting plan to the court for approval.

Q: What Does a Judge Consider When Deciding Custody?

A: When a judge determines what custody arrangement would be ideal, they look at various factors. These determining factors include the child’s age and health, emotional ties with each parent, and their ties to their community, school, and home. Judges also consider the ability of each parent to care for the child, whether the family has any history of domestic violence, and if either parent struggles or has struggled with substance abuse.

Dedicated Custody Lawyers for You

It’s essential to have an experienced Glendale family lawyer by your side to guide you through the custody process and make sure your wishes are fairly considered. Contact us today at Khalaf Law Group to schedule an initial consultation.

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