What Rights Does a Father Have to See His Child in California?

What Rights Does a Father Have to See His Child in California?

Fathers in the past have often been limited in their rights to visitation and custody, but the laws in California have evolved to promote the meaningful involvement of both parents. Therefore, many fathers wonder, “What rights does a father have to see his child in California?”

Navigating parenthood is never easy, and it becomes even more difficult when having to share custody of your child. It is critically important for parents to understand the legal rights and obligations that they have when caring for their children.

What Rights Do Fathers Have in California?

California legally recognizes both parents as equal custodians of their children. This means that each parent possesses equal rights to custody and visitation, along with the obligation to provide financial support for the child. Unless specifically stated otherwise, it is against the law for either parent to prevent their child from seeing the other parent.

Here is a detailed breakdown concerning the rights of fathers in California:


A biological or presumptive father, meaning that he is on the child’s birth certificate, has the right to seek visitation, even if he does not have physical custody of the child. In California, the state courts believe that it is in the interest of the child to have meaningful contact with both parents in the majority of cases. In general, visitation schedules are established to accommodate the needs of the child as well as the availability of both parents.

However, it is important to know that visitation rights can be restricted in any case where the well-being of the child is uncertain while under the care of either parent. These restrictions can be imposed whenever there is substantial evidence showing a safety risk to the child.

Visitation rights can be supervised or even restricted if the child’s safety or well-being may be endangered while in the father’s care. However, this is typically mandated only if there is a clearly evident risk to the child. If a parent attempts to prevent their child from seeing the other parent without an official court order, then that can be considered parental kidnapping, which is illegal in California. It can result in potential fines and even prison time.

If you are in a situation where a custody agreement is necessary, it is paramount that you speak with an experienced Pasadena child visitation lawyer. They can ensure that you maintain the parental rights you’re entitled to and that a fair arrangement is made in the interest of your child.

Child Custody

Laws in California have evolved significantly in terms of recognizing the parental rights of fathers and granting child custody. The days of the courts automatically granting primary custody of children to the mother while leaving the father with limited visitation rights are gone. Today, the courts work to promote equal rights for both parents, as that is generally believed to be in the child’s interest in most cases.

In California, child custody is separated into two main categories: legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody empowers one parent to decide on critical matters regarding their child’s upbringing, such as healthcare, education, and religious influence. Physical custody is used to describe where the child lives. This can be in the form of sole physical custody, wherein the child will mostly stay with one parent, or joint physical custody, in which the child will travel between both homes.

When determining custody arrangements, there are several elements that the court will consider, which include the following:

  • The child’s age
  • The child’s health
  • Each parent’s ability to provide a stable and loving environment
  • Emotional ties between the child and each parent
  • Any history or concerns of substance abuse or domestic violence

Ultimately, the courts take into consideration everything when determining what type of arrangement is in the interest of the child and their overall well-being.

Child Support

Both parents have a legal obligation to provide their children with financial support. Here are some of the factors that help determine how child support is calculated:

  • Custody – The percentage of time that the child spends with each parent
  • Income – The earning capacity of each parent
  • General Expenses – All other relevant costs required to raise the child, including health insurance, daycare expenses, etc.

It’s worth noting that a child support arrangement can be modified if there are significant changes to either parent’s financial situation or other relevant circumstances.


Q: Can a Mother Stop a Father From Seeing a Child in California?

A: In California, a mother is not able to legally prevent a father from seeing his child, except in cases where a court order states otherwise. A parent preventing their child from seeing the other parent without a court order is illegal and known as parental kidnapping, which can result in potential prison time and monetary fines.

Q: What Rights Do Fathers Have in California Regarding Child Custody?

A: Fathers in California maintain the same legal rights as mothers regarding custody and visitation. Even if the father does not have physical custody of the child, he still possesses visitation rights, as the state believes that:

  1. Fathers have just as much right to see their children as mothers.
  2. It is generally in the interest of the child to maintain contact with both parents.

Q: Can a Mother Withhold a Child From the Father in California?

A: No, a mother cannot withhold a child from their father in California. It is illegal for either parent to prevent their child from seeing the other parent unless a court order specifically states otherwise. Doing so is called parental kidnapping, as both parents possess the same rights to custody and visitation of their child.

Q: What Rights Does a Father Have If He Is on the Birth Certificate in California?

A: If a father is on the child’s birth certificate, then they are considered to be the presumed parent in California. Presumed parents maintain the right to reunification services, which include visitation and custody. Presumed and legal fathers also have a legal obligation to provide financial support for the overall well-being of the child.

Contacting an Experienced Child Custody Lawyer

At Khalaf Law Group, we understand the significance and emotional difficulty that surrounds a child custody case. Our seasoned background in handling child visitation, custody, support, and parental rights cases of many kinds gives us a substantial advantage in the courtroom. We understand the unique circumstances involved in every situation, so we approach each case with the compassion and diligence necessary to achieve the most favorable outcome possible for the child.

Contact us today to speak with our team about the unique circumstances of your case.

About Ted Khalaf

As you maneuver the difficult process of divorce and custody, it is essential that you are supported by a team of legal experts well versed in California specific Divorce and Family Law. For well over a decade, Khalaf Law Group have been serving clients across Southern California in all areas of Divorce and Family Law. With an exceptional track record of courtroom successes, Khalaf Law Group take great pride in providing their valued clients with the knowledge and information they require to maintain peace of mind and a positive outcome in their case.

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